Reviews by Price-Adjusted Grade

Reviews by Price-Adjusted Grade

A+: In Contention for the Best Burger in the Country (Only given out after multiple excellent tastings)

A: The Best of the Best

Ultimate Burger: Grange Hall Burger Bar – Chicago (Near West Side), IL
Famous Blue Cheese Burger: Stripburger – Las Vegas, NV
Atomic Cheeseburger: Stripburger – Las Vegas, NV

A-: Well Worth Your Time

Bacon & Cheddar Burger: Stripburger – Las Vegas, NV

B+: Great but not Amazing

Dallas Burger: Bobby’s Burger Palace – Las Vegas, NV
J. Nichols Classic: J. Nichols Kitchen – Los Angeles (Marina Del Rey), CA
Brasserie Burger: Red Coat Tavern – Detroit (Royal Oak), MI

B: Solid, Good Meal

Niman Ranch Beef Burger: The Tavern – Los Angeles (Brentwood), CA

B-: Good, But a Bit Disappointing

C+: Not a Total Loss

C and lower: Not Worth Your Time